
Legal Design

What the buzz is about, what to do with it and why you should care



3995 NOK.

Course contents

You have read or heard about Legal Design: applying the principles and methods of Design Thinking to legal services. The results are legal documents – agreements, court statements, policies and much more – which are user friendly and more convincing, and which clients love. You probably have asked what all the buzz is about. You may be wondering what you could do with it in your legal practice, and whether you should learn some more. This is the course for you.

What participants get from this course

After this half-day course, you will
  • Know why and how Legal Design is used by lawyers in both legal departments and law firms,
  • Have seen some of the results they achieve with it,
  • Be familiar with the basic principles of Legal Design,
  • Understand how a Legal Design process could look like,
  • Have tried your hand at some Legal Design tools.

During the course, you will also receive
  • An insider report from the Legal Design Summit 2023 (the largest Legal Design event in the world),
  • Client Persona canvas and Client Journey canvas to use in your own Legal Design efforts,
  • Further learning tips on Legal Design.

Target audience

Lawyers irrespective of their area of practice and workplace (law firms, in-house legal departments, or public entities), legal operations personnel, paralegals. No prior knowledge of Design methods required (grunnkurs).


Participants can access the course presentation and other relevant materials via the JUC online materials portal a few days before the course date.

Vil du vite mer?

Hvis du har spørsmål eller vil vite mer, kan du kontakte meg.

Sisse Elkjær Barbré
Customer Relations & Event Manager
Mobil: 37 41 85 51
Email: juc@juc.no

Hold deg oppdatert

Er du fullt oppdatert på nye regler, lover og praksis - og ikke minst har du verktøyene til å håndtere dem? Velg de rettsområdene du ønsker å bli informert om, og motta juridiske nyheter som ruster deg for morgendagens oppgaver.


Hos JUC finner du juridiske kurs innenfor et bredt spekter av arbeidsområder. Vi tilbyr både grunnkurs og spesialiserte kurs som kan godkjennes som obligatorisk etterutdanning.

Våre kurs undervises av ledende norske og internasjonale eksperter som gir deg innsikt i aktuelle utfordringer og muligheter innen ulike rettsområder. Du vil få konkrete verktøy som du kan anvende i ditt daglige arbeid, samt et unikt innblikk i ny lovgivning, rettspraksis og forvaltningspraksis med fokus på betydningen for ditt spesifikke arbeidsområde.