
Legal Project Management

Your toolbox for adapting to a changing legal market



6995 NOK.


The market for legal services has changed significantly in recent years: from a sellers´ market to a buyers´ market where clients require "more for less". Legal Project Management is an internationally established method for managing legal matters that gives you tools for providing more client value at better predictable costs and for working more efficiently.

Course contents

The workshop will cover the basics of Legal Project Management and follow the life-cycle of legal projects:
  • Introduction to Legal Project Management, different roles in a legal project, the 4 phases of each project.
  • Phase 1: Initiation – high-value questions, stakeholder mapping, scoping dialogue, project charter.
  • Phase 2: Planning – iron triangle, Work Breakdown Structure, estimating time, managing dependencies.
  • Phase 3: Execution – risk management, Kanban-boards, effective project meetings, cost control.
  • Phase 4: Closure – successful delivery, evaluation with clients, lessons learned with team.
  • Common pitfalls in legal projects and best-practice behaviours for legal project managers



What participants get from this workshop

This workshop gives you hands-on tools from the LPM toolbox that allow you to
  • Ask your clients high-value questions that enable you to define the scope of a legal matter more precisely;
  • Manage your clients´ expectations better;
  • Plan your work and estimate time and costs better and control costs;
  • Identify and manage legal risks and communicate them in a client-focused way
  • Keep clients, colleagues and staff informed effectively;
  • Build in feedback-loops in your work for continuous improvement


Target group

This workshop is for all lawyers who give legal advice to organisations – inhouse or law firm, small or big teams, partner or associate, general counsel or legal counsel – regardless of the area of law that they practice. If you want to improve the value you provide to your clients while at the same time keeping costs under control or a good profitability and a good work-life balance, this course is for you!

Training form

The workshop will focus on hands-on tools, which you will be able to try out as soon as you get back to your desk. We will also have time for discussing our experiences with managing legal projects.


The course material will include the general principles and best practices of Legal Project Management as well as some checklists and templates. It will be provided online via JUC´s portal.

This course falls under the non-statutory hours category, According to the Norwegian Bar Association's rules for continuing education, up to 25 non-legal hours can be approved during a continuing education period.

Vil du vite mer?

Hvis du har spørsmål eller vil vite mer om kurset, kan du kontakte meg.

Sisse Elkjær Barbré
Customer Relations & Event Manager
Mobil: 37 41 85 51
Email: juc@juc.no

Hold deg oppdatert

Er du fullt oppdatert på nye regler, lover og praksis - og ikke minst har du verktøyene til å håndtere dem? Velg de rettsområdene du ønsker å bli informert om, og motta juridiske nyheter som ruster deg for morgendagens oppgaver.


Hos JUC finner du juridiske kurs innenfor et bredt spekter av arbeidsområder. Vi tilbyr både grunnkurs og spesialiserte kurs som kan godkjennes som obligatorisk etterutdanning.

Våre kurs undervises av ledende norske og internasjonale eksperter som gir deg innsikt i aktuelle utfordringer og muligheter innen ulike rettsområder. Du vil få konkrete verktøy som du kan anvende i ditt daglige arbeid, samt et unikt innblikk i ny lovgivning, rettspraksis og forvaltningspraksis med fokus på betydningen for ditt spesifikke arbeidsområde.